4 Things Congress Must Do to Make Health Care Affordable
- Make health care affordable at work
Require a fair-share contribution from employers - either offering coverage to all workers or paying toward their purchase of other coverage. This would cover 11 million more people at work than the Senate proposal and raise $100 billion in revenue that can be used to improve affordability for those seeking coverage through the exchange.
- Enact the House employer responsibility provisions so that all but the smallest employers help pay for good health coverage for their employees
- Enact the House employer responsibility provisions so that all but the smallest employers help pay for good health coverage for their employees
- Make health care affordable for people without employer-based coverage
Be sure that people who aren't offered health coverage at work can afford their premiums and have reasonable out-of-pocket costs.
- Use the House affordability provisions for low- and moderate-income people;
- Use the Senate affordability provisions for middle-income people.
- Don't tax our health coverage
There's a better way to pay for health care reform than taxing health care benefits. Taxing benefits will raise premiums and out-of-pocket costs and lower wages. Instead, Congress should raise revenue from those who can most afford to pay (those earning $250,000 or more) as President Obama pledged during the campaign.
- Enact the House millionaires' surcharge or other revenue measures that raise taxes from those with the highest incomes.
- Enact the House millionaires' surcharge or other revenue measures that raise taxes from those with the highest incomes.
- Hold insurance companies accountable
We need strong rules that guarantee insurance company greed doesn't turn health care reform into a corporate windfall. This includes tough insurance rules so we know how premium dollars are being spent, banning discrimination based on your health, and transparency so we know what we're buying.
- Include a public health insurance option that is available across the country on day one.
- Enact consumer protection provisions, like those in the House bill, that keep big insurance companies in check.
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