Invest in Iowa's Future - Update

April 14, 2010

Tax Day: We Paid Our Fair Share!

This Thursday, April 15 is tax day. The country is in crisis. Officially, the unemployment rate is 9.7 percent but the real number of Americans out of work, under-employed or who have given up looking for work is 16.9 percent, or almost one of every six adult Americans. These people are our friends, our neighbors, our family members. Meanwhile, the wealthiest one percent of Americans - and Wall Street, whose shenanigans created our economic crisis to begin with, aren't paying their fair share. We did. Why won't they?

It is responsible:

It is irresponsible:

We pay our fair share. On this day, April 15, it is time that Wall Street and the wealthiest Americans pay their fair share as well. Government is vital to promoting individual opportunity and shared prosperity, and paying for our national priorities. But it doesn't come free.