Jobs for America Now - Update

March 27, 2010

Grassleyville 2010

80 years ago President Herbert Hoover did too little too late and the nation sank into the great depression. Many families were forced to live in shanty towns called Hooverville’s. Today Senator Grassley does nothing but obstruct all efforts to help struggling working families. He has stood in the way on everything from health care reform to job creation, and financial regulation.

Because Grassley's votes, if taken to their logical conclusion, would mean that Iowa working families would end up living in Grasslyvilles, Cedar Valley activists, small business owners, and labor leaders picketed at "Grassleyville 2010" for shoe-leather soup and a dose of the truth about Grassley and how his politics of "NO" is hurting Iowa families.

Local activist enjoyed creating street theater on the busy downtown business district street -- including shoe leather soup” (using shoes and dry ice); a cardboard shanty and handmade signs. Several passersby joined in to hold signs!

The event was sponsored by: Working Families Win, Iowa Citizen Action Network & the Jobs for America Now Coalition.