Writing Effective Letters to the Editor

By working together, we can get our message out to the public. One way to achieve this is by writing and submitting letters to the editor of your local newspaper. Below you will find some suggestions and a sample letter.

Letter Writing Tips

Sample Letter To The Editor

  1. Include your name, address, and date your letter....

    Ms. Jane Q. Public
    1 Main Street Anywhere, IA 55555

    January 1, 1998

  2. Address the letter properly....

    Letters to the Editor
    Opinion Page
    Your Local Newspaper
    Your Town, IA Local-Zip

  3. An appropriate opening....

    To the Editor:

  4. Define the problem....

    The cost of prescription drugs is outrageous and there seems to be no end in sight. Politicians in Washington have recognized that seniors are particularly hard hit by these skyrocketing prices. In response, they have proposed reforms under Medicare to provide a prescription drug benefit for seniors and the disabled. However, under this proposal, the government would not be allowed to negotiate lower prices for Medicare beneficiaries. This bill provides weak benefits and does nothing to curtail the rising price of prescription drugs.

  5. Define the solution....

    Medicare has the lowest overhead costs of any medical coverage delivery system in the country at under 3%. In comparison, the overhead costs for private insurance companies are over 12%. The cost effectiveness of Traditional Medicare should be used to negotiate best prices for seniors. Medicare could pool all beneficiaries together in order to leverage big discounts from pharmaceutical companies. The Veterans Administration does this and is often able to purchase drugs for less than half their retail price. This saves the VA a great deal of money and allows the VA to provide more people with better benefits. Unfortunately, the current Medicare Rx proposal prevents a similar approach for our nation's seniors and people with disabilities. It should be no surprise that the pharmaceutical companies love this proposal.

  6. Get people involved....

    Iowans should be screaming from the rooftops that while our doctors and hospitals are asked to accept the lowest Medicare reimbursement rate in the country our Representatives and one Senator would vote for a proposal under Medicare that would exempt the pharmaceutical industry from the same treatment. We each need to call Senator Grassley and our representatives and demand that any Rx benefit under Medicare must put seniors and the disabled first instead of protecting obscene drug company profits.

  7. Sign your name....


    Jane Public

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