Advocacy Training around TAX FAIRNESS

ADVOCATING FOR TAX FAIRNESS 2-Day Training: Tuesday and Wednesday, June 23 and 24th Urbandale Holiday Inn – Des Moines PRE-REGISTRATION REQUIRED!! Can’t commit for both days?  That’s OK – just use the contact form below and we’ll get in touch!! Do you ever wonder about how tax policy is made? Like how the process is supposed … Read more

It’s Crazy Time in Washington, D.C.

It’s crazy time again in Washington, D.C.  It seems some Republicans are so enraged that millions of Americans will start getting health care thanks to the Affordable Care Act that they are willing to go to any lengths to stop its implementation.  In the House, they’ve voted 42 times to defund, overturn, delay and otherwise … Read more


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                     CONTACT: Megan Smith                       OCT. 1, 2013                                                              319-558-6795 IOWA FAIR SHARE HIGHLIGHTS LOCAL DAMAGE FROM GOVERNMENT SHUTDOWN, DEMANDS THAT CONGRESS GET BACK TO WORK Des Moines, Iowa  – Iowa Fair Share today laid out the tremendous impact of the government shutdown and demanded that Congress pass a clean, continuing resolution to put government … Read more

Hunger is Not a Game

SNAP Vote Expected This Week Sometimes what is happening in Washington, DC seems like a big game. But the stakes in these contests are very high for millions of Americans who are trying to meet the basics every day. The latest example of Washington politicians playing games with people’s lives is the move by Republicans … Read more

Senators Harken and Durbin to hold Immigration Forum

Senators Tom Harkin and Dick Durbin are holding a special immigration forum in Ames on Friday morning! In the face of Rep. Steve King’s recent ugly claims about young immigrants, Senators Harkin and Durbin are uniting with DREAMers at this event to show the real faces of immigrants in Iowa. Please join us at this … Read more