Thank You – Honorees, Donors, Members, and Guests for successful fundraiser

ICAN and ICAN Education Foundation wish to thank everyone who contributed financially and in so many other ways to make our fundraiser on Saturday, July 27 a success. We rely on and appreciate all of you as a friend, activist, member, and/or donor, to make our work possible. Thanks to your ongoing support, we are … Read more

200 Activists Rallied at State Capitol on Saturday

ICAN and a statewide coalition of organizations had over 200 people rally for Immigration Reform on Saturday July 27. The Network for Immigration Reform and its supporters met on the west terrace of the Iowa state capitol to urge the House of Representatives and Tom Latham to vote Yes for Immigration Reform. The rally focused … Read more

Senators Harken and Durbin to hold Immigration Forum

Senators Tom Harkin and Dick Durbin are holding a special immigration forum in Ames on Friday morning! In the face of Rep. Steve King’s recent ugly claims about young immigrants, Senators Harkin and Durbin are uniting with DREAMers at this event to show the real faces of immigrants in Iowa. Please join us at this … Read more

ICAN’s Defending the American Dream Fundraiser: July 27, Des Moines

Join Us Saturday evening and/or Donate Now to help us continue our fight  to create jobs  to preserve Medicare, Social Security and Medicaid for economic justice for the working poor to give a voice to small business owners We’re fighting for YOU!! Saturday, July 27, 2013, 5:30—7:30 pm Holiday Inn Downtown 1050 6th Avenue, Des Moines, … Read more

Reunión para la reforma migratoria – el tiempo de actuar es ahora

Sábado, 27 de julio 2013– 2:00 pm Únase a nosotros con los amigos y la familia para pedir a la Cámara de Representantes de EE.UU. y el Rep. Tom Latham votar a favor de una reforma migratoria ahora. Este evento incluirá música, altavoces, payasos, bebidas y más para la gente de todas las edades y … Read more

Media Advisory: Waterloo Business Woman to Join Nancy Pelosi at Press Conference Thursday in DC

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Contact:       Sue Dinsdale, Iowa Citizen Action Network 515-480-3240 Iowa Main Street Alliance Leader and ICAN member ReShonda Young to Join with Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi at the US Capitol Announcing The Economic Agenda for Women and Children Iowa Small Business Owners also set to meet with Members of Congress **To … Read more

Join us for our Defending The American Dream Fundraiser July 27

Saturday, July 27, 2013, 5:30—7:30 pm Holiday Inn Downtown 1050 6th Avenue, Des Moines, Iowa 50314 Click here to get your tickets by making your donation!