
2012 Defending the American Dream Fundraiser

Commemorating This Year’s
Fight for the 99%

Mickle Neighborhood Center
1620 Pleasant St, Des Moines
Friday, September 14, 2012
Silent Auction from 6:00-7:30pm

Refreshments will be served.

Guest Speaker: Mr. Alan Charney, Political Director, USAction

Join us in honoring these ICAN award recipients:

2012 ICAN Award Recipients

Public Service
Dr. Andy McGuire

Legislative Leadership
Joe Bolkom

Grassroots Leadership
Chet Guin

Progressive Hero
Women's International League For Peace and Freedom (WILPF)

Staff Appreciation
Amy Logsdon

Sponsorship Levels and Tickets

Below is a form to purchase Sponsorships and Tickets. You will be able to select quantities after clicking the "Add to Cart" or "View Cart" buttons.

ICAN Defend the American Dream
Fundraiser Ticket Form
Sponsorship LevelsBuy
Sponsorship Level
Receives 8 tickets
Receives 6 tickets
Receives 4 tickets
Receives 2 tickets
$50 per person
When ready, you can view your purchases, make final adjustments, and check out by clicking "View Cart"