Paid Leave for All
Iowans are facing impossible choices, forcing us to choose between job and family. If COVID-19 has taught us anything it’s that paid leave goes beyond helping families and saving lives. It bolsters the economy by helping employers retain their workers and stay afloat while doing so. It has shown us that paid leave needs to extend to ALL employers – that those with over 500 employees must be included so that all workers receive this benefit, not be left to the discretion of the big companies.
Check out our video conversation on Paid Leave For All with State Representative Lindsay James and Amy Adams!
COVID has also shown us that small employers cannot do it on their own..
We know we need a common-sense solution to address the paid leave crisis – a solution that extends beyond the December 31, 2020 expiration of the FFCRA. We know we need a national paid leave plan that covers all Americans.
Thanks for checking out our video. We will be sending additional conversations in the coming days.
If you haven’t already, be sure to VOTE in this election. The issues we are facing are so important to each and every one of us.

We have a limited number of shirts so act fast to get one right away!
Thanks for your continued support. Feel free to forward this email to anyone who would be interested! And let us know if you have any questions! — Sue //