Will The Next President Take Us To War???

With critical issues of war and peace in the balance, we need you! The United States spends more on defense than the next 7 countries combined. We allocate roughly $610 billion dollars each year to the Pentagon. This is over half of the federal discretionary budget, and almost as much as Social Security or Medicare … Read more

Fight for Families: No More Empty Plates!

That’s why we are conducting an “empty plate” action to urge members of Congress to support food security programs for kids. So far we have over 100 plates… would you like to include yours?? Nearly 18 million households across the country are categorized as “food insecure.”1 Fortunately, programs like reduced price and free school breakfast … Read more

Advocacy Training around TAX FAIRNESS

ADVOCATING FOR TAX FAIRNESS 2-Day Training: Tuesday and Wednesday, June 23 and 24th Urbandale Holiday Inn – Des Moines PRE-REGISTRATION REQUIRED!! Can’t commit for both days?  That’s OK – just use the contact form below and we’ll get in touch!! Do you ever wonder about how tax policy is made? Like how the process is supposed … Read more

Join Us On MAY 16 in AMES, IOWA

WORKING FAMILIES SUMMIT May 16, 2015 at 9:00 AM Scheman Building on the ISU Campus in Ames, Iowa FREE and OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. RSVP:  http://progressiowa.org/workingfamiliessummit Local leaders will provide information about how we can raise wages, protect our civil rights, and make work more family friendly. Attendees will leave ready to take action on … Read more

Fight for Families! – Protect Children’s Programs – Sign our Petition!!

Healthcare for Millions of Families at Risk! Right now Congress is failing to prioritize children’s health and nutrition programs. Without action from our elected officials, these programs will run out before the end of this year. Members of Congress are not putting our children first and making these issues a priority. The Child Health Insurance … Read more

Have you made YOUR reservation?

It’s not too late!!! We’ve made it very easy! Just click on SAVE ME A SPOT! and fill out the RSVP information! It’s going to be an all Iowa evening, with dinner catered by Smokin’ Joe’s BBQ from Pleasantville; gourmet popcorn from our friends at Popcorn Heaven; cookies from Thelma’s Treats and more!! We’re looking … Read more

Democracy for the Common Good: A Call to Action

Join Us Saturday, February 7; 9:30 – 1:30 pm To hear Keynote speaker John Nichols, Washington correspondent for the Nation magazine and ICAN’s Executive Director Sue Dinsdale, among others. Corporations wield too much political power, but people have political power, too. Starting in Iowa and New Hampshire, where people have incomparable access to the presidential … Read more

THE INSIDERS With Dave Price: Jan. 18th Edition, Sue Dinsdale

Governor Terry Branstad had his say earlier in the week with his Condition of the State address.  Sue Dinsdale of the Iowa Citizens Action Network joins Channel 13’s Dave Price in this week’s edition of The Insiders, and she gives her response to the Governor’s address. Part I Part II Sue Dinsdale of the Iowa … Read more

ICAN 35th Anniversary Celebration February 20, 2015

Join Us At Our 35th Anniversary Celebration Friday, February 20, 2015 5:30 – 8 pm Program at 6:30 pm Johnston Lion’s Club 6401 Merle Hay Road, Johnston, Iowa Featuring Guest Speaker Senator Bernie Sanders, I-VT A captivating and inspiring speaker, Senator Sanders knows we need everyday people driving the agenda, working together to make Wall … Read more

…IT’S NOT TOO LATE! Make a tax deductible Donation Today.

If you are still interested in making a TAX DEDUCTIBLE gift to help Iowa Citizen Action Network continue our great work….  …IT’S NOT TOO LATE! You can make a secure on-line contribution to our Iowa Citizen Action Network Education Foundation by clicking on: YES, I’ll make a year end donation! Whether it’s working on raising … Read more