Defending Health Care in 2017

What’s at Stake for Iowa With a new president and Congress, the health care gains made throughout the last six years face their greatest threat yet. We have been travelling around the state – hearing from everyday friends, neighbors, seniors, small business owners, doctors, advocates and others about what the ACA means to them. But that’s just the beginning. … Read more

Senator Grassley… DO YOUR JOB

On Wednesday it will be 200 days since Justice Scalia passed away. Two Hundred Days And still our Senator Chuck Grassley is refusing to hold a hearing to fill a seat on the highest court in the land – the United States Supreme Court. Historically it takes 67 days from nomination to confirmation for a … Read more

Small Business Owner? Farmer? Entrepreneur? Make YOUR Voice Heard!

By working together, we can bring small business values into the public dialogue to advance policies that are good for small businesses, our employees and the communities that sustain us. Work with the Iowa Main Street Alliance to help get small business voices heard! Who we are Iowa Main Street Alliance is a project of Iowa Citizen Action … Read more

Justice Delayed Is Justice Denied!

Our federal courts have long provided a level playing field in which regular Americans can stand up for their rights and be considered equal to powerful interests.  Increasingly, Americans are finding it harder to take their cases to court and have their voices heard. Much is at stake in court for issues progressives have fought … Read more

Senator Grassley – Do Your Job!

Senator Grassley needs to take politics out of the Courts and do his job. Will you help us remind him that we expect him to do his job? As Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Senator Grassley can take the lead in making sure that our courts are fully operational… and that IS his job. … Read more

Going to Caucus???

Have you heard that there will be a little thing known as the Iowa Caucus going on Monday night, February 1??? Iowa Citizen Action Network encourages all of our members, friends and allies to make their voices heard by attending your precinct caucus! It’s easy, interesting and can even be fun! To find your caucus … Read more

ICAN’s 15 for 2015

Activism can be tax deductible! For over 35 years, ICAN has been fighting for OUR SHARED VISION of prosperity for working families and the middle-class. It’s OUR future – our nation’s future and our family’s future – that’s at stake – not millionaires and CEO campaign contributors. During the past year, we have been busy, … Read more

We Are Thankful for You! Remember us on Thanksgiving.

On behalf of Iowa Citizen Action Network we would like to say how thankful we are for YOU. Thank you for your support of Iowa Citizen Action Network – and the work we do – as a friend, activist and a donor. With all of the attention on the upcoming Presidential Election as well as … Read more

Medicaid Listening Post Locations Added

Please alert your network to these local listening posts. Clinton with Senators Hart and Mathis: Wednesday, November 4, 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., Clinton Community College – Auditorium (1000 Lincoln Boulevard). Waverly with Senators Schoenjahn and Ragan: Monday, November 9, 4 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. at the Bremer Room of the Waverly Public Library (500 … Read more

No More Tricks!

Halloween is over… Governor Branstad needs to put the brakes on his unilateral decision to privatize Iowa’s Medicaid program. His plan is to turn over the care of more than a half million Iowans—that’s one in five of us—to four managed care companies by January 1, 2016. With this change, we will see administrative costs … Read more