Advocacy Training around TAX FAIRNESS


2-Day Training: Tuesday and Wednesday, June 23 and 24th

Urbandale Holiday Inn – Des Moines


Can’t commit for both days?  That’s OK – just use the contact form below and we’ll get in touch!!

Do you ever wonder about how tax policy is made?

Like how the process is supposed to work as opposed to how it really works? 

Or about the link between campaign contributions, lobbying and policy?

Do you think that the wealthy and multinational’s across the world are rigging the rules at the expense of lower- and middle-income people everywhere (in other words, you and me!)?

If so, have we got a deal for you!

An Advocacy Training around Tax Fairness will be held in Des Moines at the Urbandale Holiday Inn on June 23rd and 24th.

This training is for EVERYONE

Citizens, Faith Community, Leaders, Labor, Farmers, Retirees, Small Business Owners, Educators

Because tax policy affects EVERYONE!!

We will discuss tax fairness matters in Iowa, in America and around the world…

And then we’ll work on what we can do about it.

Trainings and strategy sessions will include: policy briefings on tax haven abuse and transparency, tax dodging by individuals and multinational corporations and rule-rigging, effective messaging, influencing decision-makers and community organization as well as strategy sessions on future engagement.

The training is free with meals and hotel (for out of town attendees) provided to participants.

Space is limited and filling up fast, so if you are interested, please respond ASAP!

This is sponsored by Iowa Citizen Action Network, Iowa Main Street Alliance and many other national groups and is being hosted by the FACT Coalition (Financial Accountability and Corporate Transparency) with trainers from around the country coming into Des Moines to work with us.

YES, Contact me with more information!