Iowa Needs Net Neutrality

The Senate voted May 16, 2018 to pass a measure that would repeal changes to net neutrality rules that were recently adopted by the Republican-controlled Federal Communications Commission. Noticeably voting against Main Street, farmers, workers and more were Senators Chuck Grassley and Joni Ernst. We are collecting signatures from Iowans to forward to our Congressional … Read more

Main Street NEEDS Net Neutrality!

The Senate voted May 16, 2018 to pass a measure that would repeal changes to net neutrality rules that were recently adopted by the Republican-controlled Federal Communications Commission. Noticeably voting against Main Street, entrepreneurs and Iowa’s farmers were Senators Chuck Grassley and Joni Ernst. The measure, which was backed by all 49 Democrats and 3 … Read more

We say NO to TrumpTax!

We should not be paying the way for wealthy corporations and millionaires… watching the rich get richer at our expense.   We call on our Iowa delegation to REJECT this TrumpTax Scam and truly represent the people who elected you.

The Main Street Alliance of Iowa Survey

In Washington, DC and Des Moines politicians are continually banging the drum about small business and what they need and want. At the Main Street Alliance we think you should be telling THEM what’s important! The Main Street Alliance creates opportunities for small business owners, the self-employed, farmers and entrepreneurs to speak for themselves to … Read more

Another threat to public employees

We know about the Koch brothers funding of the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) and it’s off-shoot Americans for Propserity (AFP) and their keen interest in the Iowa Legislature. This past session they pulled their bills from a box with model legislation written for the wealthy, not for every day Iowans and, since they bought … Read more

Main Street Alliance Survey Fall 2018

Are you a small business owner/ farmer/ entrepreneur/ self-employed? We want to hear from you! Please take a minute to fill out the survey below! The Main Street Alliance-Iowa (MSA-IA) has been working since 2008 to make sure that the small business voice is heard from real small business owners on policy that matters most. … Read more

You’re Invited–Working Families Summit

You are invited to an exciting event which will bring dozens of progressive Iowa organizations together, at a Working Families Summit on Saturday, June 10, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., at the Scheman Center on the Iowa State Campus  in Ames.  CLICK HERE TO RSVP! The event features speakers, a full day of action, break-out … Read more

Legislative Forums!

Every weekend state legislators from around Iowa hold public forums of one kind or another.  We need to make our voices heard on the issues that are important to each and every one of us! Our friends at the Iowa Federation of Labor AFL-CIO have an extensive list of these events that you can access … Read more